On friday morning it was matariki day. We first started the day of with our assembly. Then when the assembly was finished we came back to class and found out which group we were in. A few days before matariki we got to choose what group we wanted to be in and we had for choices. My first choice was Cooking next sport after that it was Movie making then it was arts and crafts. I got picked to be in Movie Making and it was kinda disappointing because I really wanted to be in cooking but Movie Making sounded kinda fun.
We Were Making Movies in the green screen room and when I got there a lot of people were already there but we were still waiting for the rest of the people to come so we were waiting for a while. Then when everyone were there we got to read the script that we were going to act out and the name of the movie was stars in their eyes.
The first thing we needed to do was we had to find out who everyone wanted to be and I wanted to be god of the wind so I got to be god of the wind after that we went to get our costumes and they were the senior kapa haka clothes. The first scene didn’t include the costumes but on the next scene we needed the costumes. I was the person that created the seven stars. The stars were made because the god of the wind was angry because two people couldn’t be in love.
We got to film the whole day except for when it was morning tea and lunchtime. We couldn’t finish in time so we did not show it in assembly. When we were at assembly we were gonna play a game while we were waiting or everyone else to come but they all came before we could start the game but it was okay. We got to see all different kinds of creations and movies but sadly we couldn’t. Show our movie. It was so fun we almost finished our movie but we haven't yet so we might finish it soon and when we do it's gonna be on the PENN. I can’t wait to see what our Movie is going to look like.
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